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Child Care + Cultural Exchange

The title comes from the French term au pair, meaning "at par" or "equal to", indicating that the relationship is intended to be one of equals: the au pair is intended to become a member of the family, albeit a temporary one, rather than a traditional domestic worker.


An au pair (Pronounce O-pear  plural: au pairs) is a helper from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family's responsibility for childcare as well as some housework and receive a monetary allowance for personal use. [Source Wikipedia]

An Au Pair is a young adult from overseas who lives with your family for 6-12 months and provides childcare in exchange for weekly pocket money, room and board, and an opportunity to become part of an Australian family. It is a Cultural Exchange with responsibility.

All our Au Pairs are screened and prepared for the program by our trusted overseas partner agencies. Au Pairs are very family orientated and very different from backpackers.

During their time in Australia, they would love to be part of your family and enjoy life as a member of your family. Show them an awesome barbie, take them to nippers and teach them backyard cricket!

They will talk to you about life in their country, cook a typical meal from home and may teach your children a few words or a nursery song from their country. 

All Au Pairs love Australia, our amazing beaches, wonderful climate and our lovely, friendly people. Au Pairs make friends from all over the world during their stay. 

What is an Au Pair?: About
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Many young people choose the Au Pair program because they truly love children and enjoy being part of a family. 

We have created different categories of Au Pairs in our program to reflect the additional childcare experience and skills that many of our applicants have. All Au Pairs have Childcare references. 

In addition to babysitting we often see other valuable experience such as:

  • Sports coaching 

  • Summer camp leader

  • After school tutoring

  • Work experience in daycare

Most Au Pairs go on to study after their gap year. Some may choose to become a teacher or work with children but many choose a different career. Au Pairs are young adults with an independent and curious mind. Eager to learn, improve their language skills and explore a new country. 

What is an Au Pair?: About
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Au Pairs travel on a Working Holiday Visa

Most of our au pairs come from Europe. We have au pairs from Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia, France, Italy and some from the USA or UK. Most of them can drive and have a keen interest in International Travel and languages.

Our au pairs generally speak confident English and are fluent by the time they go home. As we have many au pairs from Germany and Sweden, you are likely to be impressed by their strong language skills.

Au Pairs generally come from hardworking families who support their overseas adventure. Their mum may have been an Au Pair when she was young. Au Pairing is a great way to travel overseas without the stress of backpacking. 

What is an Au Pair?: About
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